Who Am I… A 1-Week Challange

At today’s service, Pastor Sinclair provided the document Who am I?  We read and discussed. He then issued a challenge for the congregation to read and meditate on this in the morning and Evening during the week. Please click the link below to view the document.

Who Am I


The St. Paul Church Bell Inscription

The St. Paul Lutheran Church Bell at Wallis, Texas

Our church Bell which we ring each Sunday was cast at the Henry Stuckstede Bell Foundry Co. at St Louis MO in 1913 (bell is marked HY STUCKSTEDE BELL FDY CO   ST LOUIS MO   1913)

The German inscription on the bell reads:


Pastor Houppert translated:

“God’s Word and Luther’s teaching will never be lost nor forgotten”

St. Paul Guidelines for In-Person Worship Services Announced

The following Guidelines were developed to allow for In-Person Church Worship Services to begin:

  • Someone will hold open the Narthex door to greet and admit you. Don’t congregate in the Narthex. Maintain Social distancing throughout. No handshakes or hugs.
    • Note that the Fellowship Hall will be closed to general access. Everyone should enter through the Narthex doors to be seated.
  • Please deposit your offerings in the offering plate located on a table in front of the organ as you enter the church.
  • For those at greater risk, i.e. having some underlying health condition you should stay home – but if you choose to come to church you should wear face masks.
  • Ushers are to seat everyone, so distancing is maintained. Couples/families can sit together, but each family unit or person will be seated to provide about 6 foot spacing between each other.
    • If where you normally sit isolates you from others by 6 foot, then ask the usher if you can sit where you normally do. Ushers will assist you in determining spacing. Please be patient as we figure this all out.
    • No one should be sitting directly behind or in front of any other person/couple.
  • You might consider sitting in the same place each week while these rules are in effect for your safety as well as that of others.
  • An usher will seat any visitors that may arrive.
  • Communion will be administered by the Pastor and an Elder.
    • We will commune as a left and right side of the church – one side at a time.
    • An usher will guide people to stand in a single line spaced 6 foot between each communicant or couple in the center aisle.
    • Communion elements will be dispensed at the front of the church and not at the rail or on the chancel.
    • The communicants will exit to the left or right to return to their seating.
  • We will not have a fellowship time and there will not be any coffee or treats.
  • Adult Bible Class will be held in the sanctuary after a short break. Those wishing to attend should keep the same seating positions that they had during the church service.
  • One person in the restroom at a time – knock on the door and clean up after yourself as you leave. Sanitizing cloths will be provided.

The Number 1 Rule for everyone:

If you have any symptoms or don’t feel good don’t come to church.

  • If you are coughing or sneezing don’t come to church.
  • If you have been around someone you know (or have reason to believe) has the Covid-19 virus stay home. Protect yourself and fellow members of St. Paul
  • If someone has coughed or sneezed on or near you stay home.

Welcome to St. Paul Lutheran Church of Wallis, Texas!


 Pastor Rod Houppert

General Information about St. Paul

For those that are looking to find an LCMS church that primarily offers Traditional Lutheran Services you have found a home! We have recently moved to the Lutheran Service Book for our liturgy and hymns. St. Paul was founded in 1900 and primarily serves the Wallis, East Bernard, Simonton, Weston Lakes, and Fulshear Texas area. Several families travel from distant parts of the Houston area as well. We have a fellowship time after each service where the congregation and visitors can meet over a cup of coffee and a treat to talk. We are a small congregation but behave like a welcoming family. We hope this sounds like a place where you would like to come worship Christ and get to know us.

Biographical Sketch of Pastor Houppert Continue reading

St. Paul to Suspend Services due to COVID-19 Concerns

In response to recent developments concerning the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and out of care and concern for our worshipers, St. Paul will continue to suspend our physical services in adherence to the ban on gatherings over ten people which has been extended through the end of April. We will continue to monitor the situation, and update the website as new information surfaces.

We will post audio services from Pastor Houppert as he makes them available. 


St. Paul has ongoing operational needs, so please remember to send in your Tithes and Offerings to the church at P.O. Box 427, Wallis, Texas 77485 


St. Paul Christmas Program on Wednesday Dec 18th – 7:00 PM

We will celebrate Christmas with a special Christmas program and fellowship on Wednesday, Dec. 18, at 7 PM.

Written and produced by Sheila Johnson, directed and costumed by Cheryl Davis, The Christmas Gift will feature children and adults, carols, and beautiful sign-language interpretations of carols.

Refreshments will be served in the Fellowship Hall after the program.

Please, come and bring your friends for this meaningful, fun evening!

Call Committee Update – August 2019

We have a new Pastor!  Our Call has been Answered!

We received an email from Pastor Rod Houppert! Pastor Rod has accepted our call, and will be coming to St. Paul as our new Pastor. His current plan is to finish up his previous commitments, and move to Wallis, Texas during the last week of September. We have already found a place for him to live that should meet his needs and are eagerly awaiting his arrival! He will start his ministry to St. Paul with the first Sunday in October.

His installation will be planned as soon as possible.

Let us give thanks to God for answering our many prayers in providing a Pastor for our church, and for his guidance to Pastor Rod in accepting our call. We have been blessed!

Praise God!

Until Pastor Rod arrives, we have a full calendar of Supply Pastors scheduled for our upcoming services:

The following pastors will be preaching at St. Paul:

Sept 22nd   – Pastor David Cecil

Sept 29th    – Pastor Randy Ledbetter

Oct 6th        – Pastor Rod Houppert (Communion)    



St. Paul Fundraiser on September 8th – Come dine with us!

St. Paul will be holding its Annual Chicken Fried Chicken Dinner on Sunday, September 8, 2019

Columbus Club Hall
703 Columbus Rd.
Wallis, TX

Hours: 11:00 am – 1:30 pm

Cost:   $10.00 a plate

~ Dine in or take out ~

Serving Chicken Fried Chicken and Gravy
Buttered Potatoes
Green Beans
Cole slaw
Iced Tea
Pastries sold separately.

*** Tickets can be purchased from members of St. Paul or at the door ***

Meal Catered by Ben’s Chuck Wagon of Wallis

A Silent Auction sponsored by St. Paul LWML will be on site.