The following Guidelines were developed to allow for In-Person Church Worship Services to begin:
- Someone will hold open the Narthex door to greet and admit you. Don’t congregate in the Narthex. Maintain Social distancing throughout. No handshakes or hugs.
- Note that the Fellowship Hall will be closed to general access. Everyone should enter through the Narthex doors to be seated.
- Please deposit your offerings in the offering plate located on a table in front of the organ as you enter the church.
- For those at greater risk, i.e. having some underlying health condition you should stay home – but if you choose to come to church you should wear face masks.
- Ushers are to seat everyone, so distancing is maintained. Couples/families can sit together, but each family unit or person will be seated to provide about 6 foot spacing between each other.
- If where you normally sit isolates you from others by 6 foot, then ask the usher if you can sit where you normally do. Ushers will assist you in determining spacing. Please be patient as we figure this all out.
- No one should be sitting directly behind or in front of any other person/couple.
- You might consider sitting in the same place each week while these rules are in effect for your safety as well as that of others.
- An usher will seat any visitors that may arrive.
- Communion will be administered by the Pastor and an Elder.
- We will commune as a left and right side of the church – one side at a time.
- An usher will guide people to stand in a single line spaced 6 foot between each communicant or couple in the center aisle.
- Communion elements will be dispensed at the front of the church and not at the rail or on the chancel.
- The communicants will exit to the left or right to return to their seating.
- We will not have a fellowship time and there will not be any coffee or treats.
- Adult Bible Class will be held in the sanctuary after a short break. Those wishing to attend should keep the same seating positions that they had during the church service.
- One person in the restroom at a time – knock on the door and clean up after yourself as you leave. Sanitizing cloths will be provided.
The Number 1 Rule for everyone:
If you have any symptoms or don’t feel good don’t come to church.
- If you are coughing or sneezing don’t come to church.
- If you have been around someone you know (or have reason to believe) has the Covid-19 virus stay home. Protect yourself and fellow members of St. Paul
- If someone has coughed or sneezed on or near you stay home.