Birthday Celebration Picture

Annie Mae Korenek and John Geiger are getting ready to cut their join birthday cake for a birthday celebration in the Fellowship Hall March 6.  Sheila Johnson provided the special cake and matching cupcakes.

Annie Mae Korenek and John Geiger are getting ready to cut their join birthday cake for a birthday celebration in the Fellowship Hall March 6. Sheila Johnson provided the special cake and matching cupcakes.

Pictures from the LWML Zone Retreat

Sheila Johnson and Annie Mae Korenek pictured in front of the Retreat Center near Victoria where the Zone Retreat was held February 26 and 27

Sheila Johnson and Annie Mae Korenek pictured in front of the Retreat Center near Victoria where the Zone Retreat was held February 26 and 27

:  LWML ladies having fun at the Zone Retreat near Victoria.  Peggy Spitzenberger is second from left.

LWML ladies having fun at the Zone Retreat near Victoria.
Peggy Spitzenberger is second from left.

Annie Mae Korenek and Cheryl Davis were roommates at the LWML Zone Retreat near Victoria.

Annie Mae Korenek and Cheryl Davis were roommates at the LWML Zone Retreat near Victoria.

Recent Event Pictures

Maxine Cates and Rev. Scott Stallings portrayed Caiaphas'  Maid-servant and Caiaphas during the Lenten service on Wednesday night, February 17, 2016.

Maxine Cates and Rev. Scott Stallings portrayed Caiaphas’
Maid-servant and Caiaphas during the Lenten service on Wednesday night, February 17, 2016.

(Left to right) D. J. Toellner chats with Jeff Shofner as Cole, Amelia, and Bentlee pose in front of the table laid out with a delicious brunch for the Baby Shower Sunday.  Pastor Ray remembers when he baptized D.J. (far left) when DJ was Bentlee's age.

(Left to right) D. J. Toellner chats with Jeff Shofner as Cole, Amelia, and Bentlee pose in front of the table laid out with a delicious brunch for the Baby Shower Sunday. Pastor Ray remembers when he baptized D.J. (far left) when DJ was Bentlee’s age.

Pictured is the special cake made by Peggy Spitzenberger for Baby Bentlee's Baby Shower on Sunday, Feb. 21.

Pictured is the special cake made by Peggy Spitzenberger for Baby Bentlee’s Baby Shower on Sunday, Feb. 21.

Cole and Amelia Hegefeld open gifts, as Peggy Spitzenberger records them, at the congregation's baby shower for Bentlee.

Cole and Amelia Hegefeld open gifts, as Peggy Spitzenberger records them, at the congregation’s baby shower for Bentlee.

New Pictures – Ash Wednesday and Bentlee Hegefeld’s Baptism

Steve Trojacek portrayed Judas and Mark Woolley portrayed Peter during Ash Wednesday's Lenten Series.

Steve Trojacek portrayed Judas and Mark Woolley portrayed Peter during Ash Wednesday’s Lenten Series.

Left to right, Amanda Nielson (sponsor), Clint Hegefeld (sponsor), Amelia Hegefeld (mother) with baby Bentlee, Cole Hegefeld (father), Pastor Ray, and Jan Johnson (Congregational President) pictured during the Rite of Baptism on February 14, 2016.

Left to right, Amanda Nielson (sponsor), Clint Hegefeld (sponsor), Amelia Hegefeld (mother) with baby Bentlee, Cole Hegefeld (father), Pastor Ray, and Jan Johnson (Congregational President) pictured during the Rite of Baptism on February 14, 2016.

Parents Cole and Amelia Hegefeld with baby Bentlee, Left, Sponsors Clint Hegefeld and Amanda Nielson, Right, and Pastor Ray.

Parents Cole and Amelia Hegefeld with baby Bentlee, Left, Sponsors Clint Hegefeld and Amanda Nielson, Right, and Pastor Ray.

Baptisms at St. Paul

Carol Foltz (left) and Cheryl Davis (right) were sponsors for Ariana.

Carol Foltz (left) and Cheryl Davis (right) were sponsors for Ariana.

On November 8, both Keith Williams and his daughter Ariana were baptized here at St. Paul's.  Pictured with Keith and Ariana are Aubrey and Ariana's mother, Nicole and Pastor Ray.

On November 8, both Keith Williams and his daughter Ariana were baptized here at St. Paul’s. Pictured with Keith and Ariana are Aubrey and Ariana’s mother, Nicole and Pastor Ray.

Keith, Nicole, and Ariana pose in front of the special cake to celebrate the baptisms.

Keith, Nicole, and Ariana pose in front of the special cake to celebrate the baptisms.

Head Elder, Steve Grissom, assisted Pastor with the baptism of Keith and Ariana Williams.

Head Elder, Steve Grissom, assisted Pastor with the baptism of Keith and Ariana Williams.

Keith and Ariana's baptism cake.

Keith and Ariana’s baptism cake.

Join us for Christmas Services


Christmas Programs from the Past… and from This Year

Our Sunday School children singing for the Christmas Program in 2008.  Would you believe Paul on the front left and Toby on the front right?

Our Sunday School children singing for the Christmas Program in 2008. Would you believe Paul on the front left and Toby on the front right?

Shepherds Paul and Toby at the stable with Mary (Lexie  Brzozowski) and Baby Jesus.

Shepherds Paul and Toby at the stable with Mary (Lexie
Brzozowski) and Baby Jesus.

The Sunday School young people performing in last year's Christmas Program.

The Sunday School young people performing in last year’s Christmas Program.

Jan Johnson, costumed as St. Joseph, portrayed in carpenter during the First Wednesday in Advent service - 2015.

Jan Johnson, costumed as St. Joseph, portrayed in carpenter during the First Wednesday in Advent service – 2015.

Toby and Paul Brzozowski flank our living nativity scene for the Sunday School Department Christmas Program.

Toby and Paul Brzozowski flank our living nativity scene for the Sunday School Department Christmas Program.

Pastor Ray and Peggy shown enjoying their gifts after the Christmas Program, including a Christmas Snoopy which lights up. Pastor Ray is infamous for quoting Snoopy and Charlie Brown in his sermons.

Pastor Ray and Peggy shown enjoying their gifts after the Christmas Program, including a Christmas Snoopy which lights up. Pastor Ray is infamous for quoting Snoopy and Charlie Brown in his sermons.

Adult Readers for the Christmas Program were, left to right, Sheila Johnson, Sarah Brzozowski, Jan Johnson, John Geiger, and Rev.  Scott Stallings.

Adult Readers for the Christmas Program were, left to right, Sheila Johnson, Sarah Brzozowski, Jan Johnson, John Geiger, and Rev.
Scott Stallings.

Peggy Spitzenberger as St. Mary

Peggy Spitzenberger as St. Mary